Triaxial Testing Apparatus (For Dynamic Test & Static Test) - The purpose of the Standard Penetration Test is to identify the soil stratification and engineering properties of soil layers. During the SPT, it was possible to take disturbed and undisturbed samples (using split barrel-sampler) which were used for further laboratory tests. Manufactured by Seikensha, Japan.
DRILLING EQUIPMENT FOR SOIL INVESTIGATION ENVIROMENTAL SAMPLING - Micropiles Gound Consolidations - Water Wells. Manufactured by Fraste, Italy.
STANDARD PENETRATION TEST - SPT EN ISO 22476-3 The purpose of the Standard Penetration Test is to identify the soil stratification and engineering properties of soil layers. During the SPT, it was possible to take disturbed and undisturbed samples (using split barrel-sampler) which were used for further laboratory tests. Manufactured by Tecop, Spain.
CPT Equipment -  The Cone Penetrometer Technology (CPT) provides cost-effective, real-time data for use in the characterization of the subsurface. The cone penetrometer consists of a steel cone that is hydraulically pushed into the ground while in situ measurements are continuously collected and transported to the surface for data interpretation and visualization. Manufactured by Geomil, Holland.
Plate Test Equipment Eurocode 7
GEODAS (Geophysical Data System) -  Borehole sensors, data acquisition and processing systems for geophysical exploration (PS logging, seismic survey). Manufactured by Tokyo Soil Research, Japan.
Structural Testing Equipments - Reaction frame -  The structural testing consists of a steel reaction frame, loading and data acquisition and processing systems. The reaction frame is similar to the one in Building Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan.